I am still a medical mystery....
I went to HUP today to see a SECOND hemotologist to figure out my issue with my white blood cells especially my neutrophils. These help fight infection and other technical stuff that I just don't remember right now. I am so tired. Driving downtown, trying to find the darn parking garage, then trying to find the correct building. Then getting there, having blood taken, then paperwork, then waiting, then the drs throwing their medical jargon at you. Don't get me wrong, they were very nice and helpful, but could not give me a definitive answer. Then it took me an hour and a half to get home. Had to pick up Dee at my friends house, then drive home!
Right now, the hemotologist wants to see my old blood work from my GP. Going back as far as possible to see if this WBC issue has always been or if it just came up five years ago. I understand that he needs this info to make a diagnosis. He may also need to do ANOTHER bone marrow biopsy somewhere down the line. He seems to think that I am one of those people that just runs low.
This is SO frustrating! The dr could tell that I was not happy. I told him that I was really hoping that there was something that the other dr missed. A light bulb would go off and voila I have a diagnosis...well, not so in medicine!! Hopefully when the drs go through the bloodwork from the past, it will give them some insight into this issue....
Thanks for letting me vent and I really appreciate all the well wishes on here and on FB!!
I am so lucky to have such great friends!
Love to all, Beth
I hope this gets resolved so you can have something more than questions.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I am sending you patience and serenity to get thru this. If you don't get the answers you seek, make sure you keep copies of all the studies and see yet another doctor. There are many good hospitals around. The schlep is a pain, but if you can find a doctor that feel is the one, then it is all worth it. ((((Hugs ))))
The biopsy was the WORST pain I have ever gone through!! I have had a lot of procedures and that by far is the one I remember as most painful!
Thanks for your strength and hugs! They are much needed!!
Love, Beth
Hugs coming to you. I've found that I need to tell certain specialists that they need to speak to me in plain English and get the medical jargon out of the mix when I do not understand which is most of the time. My Hematologist at first was very technical until one day I just looked at him and said can you please stop the shop talk, I have no clinical background therefore I need you to give me straight talk that is not medically based. He smiled at me and said okay and from that day on he's been wonderful at translating all the medical stuff to be simple enough for me to understand. I also always bring Gene to appointments such as these. So if you ever need a back up let me know I'll accompany you.....
LIke Nan said, if you are not satisfied with this guys answers after you get all your other records for him and he gives you his diagnisos, keep all your records together and find another hematologist to see, there is absolutly nothing wrong with getting a thrid opinion!!!!
Take care....
I will keep that in mind!
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
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